Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Yoga by the lake - 1 year anniversary

Bring your friends for our sunrise class then run home
and grab your kids for the kids class!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Free Introduction to AYURVEDA

Come and learn about Ayurveda, the world’s oldest holistic medical science. Deepen your understanding of your constitution (prakruti) and your current state of health (vikruti). Learn how to use nutrition, herbs and positive lifestyle choices to improve the way you feel and to prevent illness. Come see how Ayurveda can enhance your quality of life and benefit your whole family.

August 6, 2010 6:30-8:00 PM

Pre-registration required:
or phone: (801) 790-1800
All attendees will receive a lavender eye pillow made by Madeline Quayle!

Presenter: Patricia Wickman is a Certified AyurvedicPractitioner, Certified Panchakarma Technician and Registered Yoga Teacher. She holds a BA in French Literature and has over ten years of teaching experience. She loves people and enjoys inspiring individuals to perceive their beauty and potential. She lives in Eau Claire, WI with her husband and two children. Private consultations available from Aug.2nd-14th
Email or call to schedule:
patricia.wickman@gmail.com (715) 529-3061
Go to www.rlyaa.com for pricing and details.